The Holidays Are Upon Us

Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner, as you can tell if you walk into the local grocery store. Retailers look forward to these days more than anyone else, as they project profits during the last quarter of the year. Although it is a very busy and sometimes exhausting season, I look forward to the time of celebration. Do you eagerly anticipate these days?
As independent Baptists, we are very conservative and have a tendency to distrust celebration. During times of celebration the excesses of the world are definitely not in agreement with a godly lifestyle. Indulgence in alcohol and immodesty do not fit the life of a believer who wishes to please God with his activity. However, the believer that refuses to celebrate misses on a great blessing from God.
Celebration is Biblical! The Israelites were mandated by God to participate in times of feasting, and we all look forward to a wonderful day of celebration in heaven with Christ at the wedding supper of the Lamb. (Leviticus 23, Revelation 19) Revelation 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.
Look at this holiday season as an opportunity to celebrate God! Thanksgiving is set aside for us to thank Him for His provision. Thank Him also that we are still allowed to celebrate this day as a religious holiday!
Although many around us make the day about football and food, we can still exercise our freedom to give God thanks for His marvelous grace in our lives.
Christmas is another opportunity, but some Christians balk at celebrating Christmas for various reasons. Maybe December 25 is not the day Christ was actually born, but does that mean we should not celebrate His birth? Some Christians find it very troubling that pagans also celebrate on this holiday. We don’t have to join pagans in order to rejoice in what God has done for us. Make this Christmas in your home a time of joy, then let the joy overflow to impact others. Be sure to greet your cashier with “Merry Christmas” when the time is right. Let your friends and neighbors know that you are glad Christ came. The holidays may afford you the chance to share the gospel with someone. Praise the Lord!
I trust that you will choose to have Happy Holidays, a Wonderful Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! God is good to you! Share His joy with others!